The Korean drama ‘Flower Boy Ramen Shop’ is a romantic comedy about four “pretty boys” that operates a ramen shop together with a girl. The main characters are Yang Eun-bi (Lee Chung-ah) the 25 year old girl who’s studying to be a teacher, Cha Chi-soo (Jung Il-woo) is the only son of the owner and the president of a food conglomerate called Chasung, Choi Kang-hyuk (Lee Ki-woo) the guy who inherited the ramen shop from Yang Eun-bi’s father, Kim Ba-wool (Park Min-woo) is the guy who is also called as the crazy chicken and Jo Yoon-woo (Woo Hyun-woo) is the guy who has the personality of an angel. Together they work and flourish the shop with their charisma and personality. But the difference of their social statuses, Cha Chi-soo and the rest, becomes the root of their misunderstandings and feud. It is in the end that makes them realize the sacrifices and pain Cha Chi-soo faced and felt.
When maturity strikes humanity money comes first on the list. Everything that keeps the world living and spinning is money. Cha Chi-soo is someone who grew in a cold environment and having everything without facing any hard work to earn his wealth, he is someone who doesn’t know anything about reality and its warmness. Time came, something he truly desires which is someone he loves, can’t be bought by money. That’s when he realizes money isn’t everything.
Cha Chi-soo meets the strong girl Yang Eun-bi in peculiar circumstances. After bumping into her for several times he innocently didn’t knew he was hit by one of Cupid’s arrows. He curiously asks Yoon-woo his friend what he feels and describes it to him. He couldn’t believe that he felt those kinds of feelings because he didn’t feel that way before. However he has come to realize that he felt that his heart was boiling whenever he sees her and confessed he was in love.
At the end of the final episode the voiceover of Kang-hyuk says, “Other things don’t really matter. Ramen just tastes best when it’s eaten at the moment it’s boiling over.” The ramen represents the heart of a person. Just when they realize that it’s boiling it is better to follow your heart rather than what your mind thinks. It is then they feel no regret and love just overflows within them. Love makes people rich because it fills their hearts with joy and happiness.
wow, this movie is very cool.